Past Experiences
- Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA, August 2017 - May 2022
- Graduate research and teaching assistant
- Decision Intelligence Lab, DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group US, Bellevue, WA, USA, Summer 2020
- Research intern
Grid Optimization Competition
I have participated in the ARPA-E Grid Optimization Competition (GO Competition). Entrant teams from around the globe strive to develop innovative algorithmic software for modern power grids in the form of coding competition. Our team (GMI-GO) is led by faculty advisors Prof. X. Andy Sun (PI) and Prof. Santanu Dey.
ARPA-E Grid Optimization Competition Challenge 1, Nov. 2018-Feb. 2020
- Problem: security-constrained AC Optimal Power Flow (SC-ACOPF) under time limit. In optimization language, this is a large-scale + two-stage + mixed-integer nonlinear program.
- Our Approach: We deployed various optimization techniques in C++. Check out this paper.
- Result: Our team ranked in third place in the Final Event, receiving $400,000 grant award.
ARPA-E Grid Optimization Competition Challenge 2, Aug. 2020-Oct. 2021
- Extension of SC-ACOPF with additional complicated constraints:
- unit commitment (UC), line switching (LS), discretized tap ratio and phase shift.
- Result: Our team was among the competition winners, receiving a total of $120,000 grant award:
- third place in off-line divisions of Challenge 2 Trial Event 3;
- fifth place in real-time divisions of Challenge 2 Final Event.
- Extension of SC-ACOPF with additional complicated constraints: